About Me

Sandeep Dasika

Just another coder bro.

My Career

Walmart Labs, Bengaluru

Currently working with the Ads Infrastructure team.

July 2018
Senior Software Engineer

Hike Messenger, Delhi

Worked with the Core Messaging Infrastructure backend team.

May 2014
Specialist Software Development Engineer

BITS, Pilani

Relevant Courses - Computer Programming I, Computer Programming II, Graphs and Networks, Computer Networks, OOP, Numerical Analysis, Functional Analysis, Data structures and Algorithms, Co-ordinate Geometry

Graduated in 2013
Alma Mater

My Skills

My Projects


A distributed peer-to-peer file discovery and sharing platform written in Go.

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A fun & interactive word game written in Java with frontend in JavaFX. Check out my blog posts on this website if you are interested in the implementation.

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